Dr Eliot Goldstone


Dpsych(Clinical Psychology), BA(Hons), BB

ISST board approved Advanced Schema Therapist


Eliot is a caring, astute and empathic psychologist who has helped many clients understand and move beyond their distress. With over 15 years experience practicing as a clinical psychologist, Eliot provides a safe and warm environment in which his clients can meaningfully explore their concerns and develop strategies to reduce distress, improve their well being and become the best version of themselves.


Eliot completed a Doctorate of Clinical Psychology at La Trobe University in 2011 and has multiple publications in international psychology journals (see below for a full list).


In the past 15 years Eliot has worked across a diversity of settings with a wide variety of clients. This has included working in private practice with clients with depression, anxiety, anger, relationship concerns, trauma, existential life angst, substance abuse/dependence and personality disorders. Eliot also previously worked in public mental health for 10 years in both inpatient and outpatient community mental health settings.


Eliot is able to call upon a variety of therapeutic techniques with his clients and is ISST board approved Advanced Schema Therapist. In addition to schema therapy, Eliot also practices Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, mindfulness, exposure therapy, motivational interviewing, anxiety management, general counseling and psychoeducation.


Eliot is the co-founder Inner Northern Psychology.



  • Farhall, J., Cugnetto, M.L., Goldstone, E., Gates, J., Clemente, J., & Morris, E.M.J. (2024) Acceptability and feasibility of recovery-oriented group acceptance and commitment therapy for psychosis in routine practice: an uncontrolled pilot study. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, https://doi.org/10.1017/S1352465823000589.

  • Cugnetto M, Morris E, Bonfield S, Gates J, Morrison I, Newman E, Nicholls J, Soares L, Antonucci M, Clemente J, Garratt C, Goldstone E, Pavone D, Farhall J Group Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Recovery From Psychosis: Protocol for a Single-Group Waitlist Trial JMIR Res Protoc 2024;13:e49849

    URL: https://www.researchprotocols.org/2024/1/e49849 DOI: 10.2196/49849

  • Goldstone, E., Farhall, J., Thomas, N., & Ong, B. (2013). The role of metacognitive beliefs in the proneness to hallucinations and delusions: An analysis across clinical and non-clinical populations. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 52(3), 330-46.

  • Goldstone, E., Farhall, J., & Ong, B. (2012). Modelling the emergence of hallucinations - early acquired vulnerabilities, proximal life stressors and maladaptive psychological processes. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 47(9), 1367-1380.

  • Goldstone, E., Farhall, J., & Ong, B. (2011). Life hassles, experiential avoidance and distressing delusional experiences. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 260-266.

  • Goldstone, E., Farhall, J., & Ong, B. (2011). Synergistic pathways to delusions: Enduring vulnerabilities, proximal life stressors and maladaptive psychological coping. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 5, 122-131.

  • Murray, G., Goldstone, E., & Cunningham, E. (2007). Personality and the predisposition(s) to bipolar disorder: Heuristic benefits of a two-dimensional model. Bipolar Disorders, 9(5), 453-461.


Conference presentations

  • Goldstone, E., Gates, J., Farhall, J.F., & Morris, E. (2016). Recovery ACT for psychosis: How to run an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Group in public mental health settings. Paper presented at the Australia and New Zealand Association for Contextual Behavioural Science Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Goldstone, E., Farhall, J., & Ong, B. (2010). Life stress, experiential avoidance and vulnerability to delusions: Implications for treatment of delusions in psychosis. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Farhall, J., Goldstone, E., Harvey, C., & O'hanlon, B. (2010). Can you see the ripples? Assessing the wider impact of establishing Behavioural Family Therapy in continuing care teams. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Mental Health Services Conference of Australia & New Zealand.

  • Murray, G., Goldstone, E., & Cunningham, E. (2006). Bipolar vulnerability: Hypomanic and Depressive Traits have different personality correlates. Paper presented at the Australasian Society for Bipolar Disorders Conference, Melbourne, Australia.